So i Had a Reader Tell Me That It was Hard to get into Couponing and it took while to get to Where i Am how i get all the Great Deals Etc. Well i Only Started Couponing in Nov 2009 and in January i was doing so Great i Wanted to share my success with everyone else so i Started My Blog but After that Email i Wanted to Get MOST of my stockpile together to Show you how much i Have and its only Been 5 months! And Everything in the Picture i Got FREE or EXTREMLY cheap And as you see the only thing in the picture that us a Generic Brand is the CVS Tissues Everything is Name Brand and Cheaper than you would pay for the Generic of the Brand Like i said this is most of My stockpile some of it is not pictured Such as 28 Packages of Flushable Toddler Wipes from Target (All FREE) In the Picture
8 Bottles Of Purex - 19c Each!
1 Bottle of Clorox Scented Bleach -FREE
1 Bottle of Shout-FREE
2 Bottle of Lysol Toliet Bowl Cleaner- 25c Each
2 Bottles of Wet Wipes- FREE
3 Bottles of Niquill- Dont Rember
1 bottle of Head and Sholders - $1.00
4 Boxes of Hair Dye- .25c Each
1 box of Contac cold and Flu
1 Box of Dayquill
5 Bottles of Bayer Asprin
3 Johnson& Johnson Bath Time Buddies
4 Bars of Olay Soap
8 Boxes of Alka Seltezer
6 Boxes of Tissues
2 boxes of Surf Laundry Detergent
5 Bottles of Lysol Disenfectant Wipes
7 Gillete Shave Gel
6 Goody Boby Pins
4 Gillette Fusion Razors
1 Package of bic Disposable Razors
1 package of Halls
2 Travel size tides
1 Travel Size clorox Laundry detergent
4 Travel Size dove men Care
1 4pack of Dove Men Care
4 Kids Trimatic cold and flu this strips
2 kids Crest
2 Kids Baindaids
2 Snuggle
2 Pledge Multi Surface
3 Scrubbing Bubbles
Whew..... So if i Can stockpile ALL that in just 5 months i have FULL confidence in everyone else!
All that is not including what we have already used and all the food that is stockpiled!