
Friday, July 16, 2010

*HOT* FREE Fandango Movie Ticket (up to $14 value) + $4.99 Movie Tickets Every Month!

Wanna score a FREE ticket to a movie at a Fandango Theatre up to $14 in value (even an IMAX or 3D movie) and score $4.99 movie tickets on a monthly basis?! Here’s what you need to do…

* Head on over to HERE Weekly Cinema and register with your name, email address, and phone number.

* You will then be required to input your credit card information (the reason for this is that you are signing up for a monthly service, so your credit card is required to be on file if you decide to continue with the monthly subscription; however, you CAN cancel at anytime within the 3 day trial period and your card will not be charged)

* Once your card has been entered, you will receive a message that you have successfully registered; You will then immediately be emailed a unique Fandango Movie code that you can use to purchase a ticket on Fandango.com up to a $14 value (keep in mind this code can only be used to purchase one ticket, so be sure to treat yourself to a 3D or IMAX movie to utilize the full value of the code!)

* If you want to continue with this monthly service, you will be charged $14.97 per month and in return, you will receive 3 unique Fandango movie codes each month to purchase a FREE ticket on Fandango.com– up to a $14 value…this means you are only paying $4.99 per movie ticket! Plus, each code is good for 3 months so you’ll have plenty of time to use them. How sweet is that?!

*If you decide that this service is not for you, then you can cancel your membership immediately by logging into your Weekly Cinema account or by sending an email to support@weeklycinema.mojohelpdesk.com (keep in kind that if you opt to cancel, the movie coupon codes that you have received will stop working). Your FREE trial period is good for 3 days and if you do not send an e-mail notice of cancellation at least one day prior to the conclusion of the trial period, then you will be automatically be billed the monthly $14.97 fee.

* Your monthly tickets are available at the beginning of each month, so you just need to log in to Weekly Cinema to redeem them…they will not send you a reminder email.

I Am For Sure Signing Up For This Program Considering Movie Tickets Are $10 At The Theater! Go HERE To Get Started!
